
Glitter in the Air

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Life Inspiration...

Sometimes it's hard to see past what is lost or might be lost... or what you are lacking in your life. But my only advice can be to live your life to the fullest, despite what is lost.. or what you lack... because everyone is always looking for a point in their life. So why do nothing with it? Why let yourself be unhappy? I'm not saying there aren't events in your life that won't make you unhappy... of course there will be plenty. And yes you can take time to be sad about it, and yeah you're allowed to let it affect you... but after some time... pick yourself back up. Find the joy. Focus on what you do have... orrrr what you could have. Make the best of it. Find a realistic place of happiness or comfort for you to be in, and bring yourself there. Do things that you want to do. Figure what it is you can do to be the happiest you can. Don't let life carry you... you need to carry yourself. You do have control over your life... no, not every event. But you can choose what to do with what you have. No, I don't know what the point of life is, or if there's any specific point at all. But I'm pretty sure you can choose to make there be a point or not. Maybe there is no reason why any of us is here. But we are. So take your life as your own, and make it what you want it to be. There's so much in the world, find what you want to do, where you want to go... and make it happen. Sometimes they won't happen... sometimes things are out of reach, but forget about that. Search within reach, but stretch it as far as possible. Seriously, make goals - reach them. Whether they're about success or just about pure pleasure... you have the power to make your life have a purpose. Whether that purpose be to change something, to help someone, or to fill less than 100 your years here with the most knowledge, experience, and joy that you can. There might not be a reason for us to exist before we get here... but once we're here it's in our hands to make a purpose for ourselves. There is no point in always being sad, unhappy, angry and unfulfilled... so change it... if you're not happy... figure out what will make you happy, and go get it.

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