
Glitter in the Air

Thursday, December 31, 2009

'Perfect' Exists in an Imperfect Way

Last night, while once again trying to put in words what it is that I love about P!nk so much, I was led to this thought that 'perfect' does exist, but only in an 'imperfect' way. I'm sure you're wondering how this could possibly make sense... I decided that people can be considered perfect when they own their flaws. Once you are aware of all your flaws or weaknesses, accept your flaws/weaknesses, and allow others to see any flaws/weaknesses you have with no shame, then, and only then, are you 'perfect'. You are who you are, and you are 'perfect' the way you are. With this acceptance of your flaws, you have actually made your flaws into a kind of strength. A strength in defining who you are. Trying to improve on any weakness is, of course, encouraged if it's possible. But you can't be 'perfect' without 'imperfection' - that is still impossible. So accept what you can't change. Embrace it, all your qualities combined makes your uniqueness - weaknesses are just as important as strengths.

This still leaves very few 'perfect' people in the world. How many people do you actually KNOW, really truly know? Emotional weaknesses are even more important that physical (skill related) weaknesses. I can say, that in my life, the only person I consider to be 'perfect' is Pink. There is no one else who owns their emotions, and accepts their weaknesses. It's either one or the other, or neither. I personally do neither at 100%. I
do internally accept most of my weaknesses, but I have never ever been comfortable with my emotions in a way that I could open up to anyone. That requires a strength I don't have (awareness though - first step).

Steps to Perfection:
1. Be aware of your weaknesses
2. Accept your weaknesses internally
3. Own your weaknesses externally
4. Be aware of your emotions
5. Accept your emotions internally
6. Own your emotions externally

Even with this definition of 'perfect', it is expected of no one. Those 6 steps may seem easy to some, but honestly they can be the most challenging steps in life. Truly owning yourself takes a serious amount of courage. With that said - courage is the only thing that can bring perfection. Courage is one flaw you can't have in order to accomplish perfection. Everyone has 'courage' in one way or another, but I'm thinking you need to be in the close to the 99th percentile to accomplish imperfect perfection.


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