Tuesday, December 28, 2010
You against the world, or you with the world?
Thursday, November 4, 2010
"You're smart, just not how they want you to be."
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Just give it time, you'll find a reason...
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Embrace The Happiness There Is
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
What's 'right' vs. what's 'best' ...
My last entry brought another thought to me: Is what is right the same as what is best?? I'm not sure anymore... When we make decisions, should it be on what is right or what is best? I think that sometimes what is best will lead to the most happiness... but what is 'right' is more ethical... So if I'm saying to find the most happiness you can... should you do what is best for your happiness? or what is 'right'? Of course sometimes there is a line. If you successfully can rob a bank and that will make you happy... what is 'right' should rule over what is 'best' ... cuz obviously you should never rob a bank.... but when it's smaller things... I use to always lean towards what is 'right', but I don't know anymore... I think that maybe there isn't any point in doing what is 'right' morally if it's going to create the lesser amount of happiness. If somebody hurts you, and you don't think that they deserve to be forgiven because they've done you so wrong... should you get past that and forgive them because it will create both of you way more pain to lose them? Or should you not forgive them because maybe it would be disrespecting yourself if you did, and that wouldn't be 'right'? ... I'm all about respecting myself and have always said to do what's 'right' ... But maybe forgiveness is what's right?? Maybe you need to forget your pride for a bit and just forgive... or maybe that's just what's 'best' ... I don't know any more... will have to contemplate this some more... Thoughts??
Life Inspiration...
Friday, May 28, 2010
Society Limits Beauty
I, just like everyone else have always been surrounded by judgments and opinions on what is beautiful and what is not. There seems to have been a spectrum to classify beauty. Of course, sometimes, depending on the person, one thing might fall on a different level of the spectrum than it would with others, but in general you will see a pattern of where objects, people, and things in nature may fall along the spectrum. You’re culture, your age, your gender may all influence the amount of beauty you think one thing contains… but honestly – what is beauty? How can you say one thing is beautiful and another thing isn’t? How can you really say anything is ugly? Whether it’s a person, a pebble, a painting, or even just a pencil, why is one more beautiful than the other?
Society has defined beauty, and with defining beauty – has also limited it. People are so critical of themselves because they have an image in their head of what features make a person pretty. Yes, I am guilty of this, but I’m trying more and more not to be. We look at ourselves bit by bit… we don’t like the shape of our nose, or the size of our thighs, or the structure of our jaw etc. Why not just look at ourselves as a whole? Why not allow every head shape, every nose shape, every size, every curve, every color, even every scar be a form of beauty?? It’s here, you can see it, it’s all unique… why can’t the uniqueness of everything define beauty. Why can’t beauty be endless and ugly nonexistent? Every scar tells a story… doesn’t that alone make it beautiful? Every feature of you is because of your genes… doesn’t that make it beautiful? Every tree, every river, every rock came so naturally, so shouldn’t it all be beautiful? Every man made object… Let yourself see beyond the physical part, let the creation of it be the beauty. Appreciate the spectacular… but also appreciate the ‘everyday’… I think by doing so, you’ll find a lot more meaning to life… isn’t that what we’re all looking for? What’s the point in deciding things are ugly or not good enough? No, you don’t have to be attracted to everything – sometimes things just don’t ‘go’… but you can still find the beauty if you let yourself, let how it doesn’t ‘go’ be the reason for it’s beauty. Society has truly limited beauty. You’re constantly told what is or isn’t beautiful. How have we let something with the potential of being so broad, so endless, seem so refined? Just take a minute and look around, and try to think beyond what you’ve always been ‘told’ – acknowledge every color, every texture, every shape – even every smell, and every sound… find the beauty.
Added to that... was just talking to a friend as I'm struggling through some things and my mind has been eating myself alive. Then I thought back to this blog post and asked her and myself if according to my philosophy, are the hard times suppose to be beautiful too? She said maybe... and I said "yeah, they are". So she asked me why the hard times are beautiful. I told her it was for a lot of reason.. because the things that lead up to it all... it's just life... the way you react is an art form, it all becomes important in shaping who you are... so yeah, there's beauty in it. Pain has a reason... so there's beauty in it. the connections of everything make up the beauty. It's like the physical scars... there are stories behind them.. same with emotional wounds. Beauty doesn't have to be happy... most art pieces come from pain. So yeah, even the negative emotions, and the unpleasant events came be considered beautiful if you think of it all of a form of art, if you think of how everything all connects to make it what it is, it might all suck sometimes, but try to see beyond the surface.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
So lately I’ve found myself overwhelmed with the amount of friends or people I know who have become overly obsessed with their body image. I have one friend (friend 1) who seriously has an amazing figure. 5’5 120 lbs. Proportionate, and has boobs (lucky). She’s always been really self-conscious, as long as I’ve known her. We’ll be getting ready to go out and she’ll look in the mirror and say things like “I wish I didn’t look like I was 300lbs right now”, sometimes even start crying. The other day she was like “I kind of feel like eating right now, but I’m just going to go to the gym INSTEAD.” … from what I've observed, the beginning of the year it was bulimia, now it’s anorexia (not full on though, but only getting worse) and she’s obsessed with working out. Oh on top of that, she will have sex with anyone because it makes her feel better about herself, regrets it every time, but just does it again and again. Another friend (friend 2) is very in shape, all of her weight comes from her muscle, buff – but not fat, very healthy – she calculates her calories every day, goes to the gym twice a day – eats, but VERY lightly, and is always talking about her next goal for how much weight she wants to lose. Then there are a few other friends, and even more associates.
Anyway, I really have been so aware of it all lately. And there’s nothing I can do about it. I give them my best encouragement, and compliments, and everything else I can think of. But I can’t change how they think/feel. Other people’s problems, have just been really affecting me lately (beyond self image).
I got on this topic tonight because as I was sitting in my friend’s room, watching a movie with the two mentioned above, plus a few others, I found myself having to walk out. I just couldn’t be there any more.
Okay this gets complicated trying to explain all this with no names…
Anyway. This all bothered me so much - really UPSET me, actually. Knowing that those two friends talking about her have their own self image problems, and how hard it is to lose weight – for that to come from THEM, especially, just really wasn’t okay. Plus knowing that that girl is really uncomfortable in her own skin, and that she isn’t eating properly just made it even worse. And the face that ‘friend 1’ was in the room. And she REALLY has an unhealthy self body image, and unhealthy way of trying to change it… for them to be judging someone else like that with her there, will only make her more aware of her own insecurities.
Friday, January 8, 2010
Today is Going to be a Great Day! - Or Maybe Not...
I am apologizing in advance – as I realize this blog may sound like a bunch of jibberish. You literally get to see all the thoughts bouncing around my head, and it may be hard to follow!
I took a quiz online a month or so ago – don’t really remember what it was about. But I remember one question on it that actually made me think. It was asking what I think when I first wake up – and I don’t remember all of the options but 1 was “Today is going to be a great day!” – I can say for sure, I did not click on this one, but I wished I could have, and have it be a completely honest response. When I first wake up in the morning (when it’s by alarm at least, as on a normal day it is) My thoughts are somewhere along the lines of “Nooooooo, I don’t wanna get up! Five more minutes (but then I hit snooze for 40 more minutes)… Can I afford to miss class today? This bed is sooo warm and comfortable. Shit. I actually have to get out of bed… hmmm at least I can nap later.” Then once I’m up I begin counting down the minutes till it’s time to nap… Doesn’t this contradict my “I need more time in a day, sleeping is a waste of life” thought that I expressed in a previous blog?? Yes. I am a walking contradiction.
Anyway, since I took that quiz when I wake up in the morning, and catch myself thinking about how I just want to stay in bed forever, I try and tell myself that “today is going to be a great day!” …I have to be honest and admit – as soon as I say that – I throw in a ‘but’ directly after. Goes a bit like this: “Nooo, I don’t wanna get up! No Mel, today is going to be a great day! - Buttt this bed is SOOO cozy, I don’t want toooo!!! No. Today is going to be a great day! – ahh screw it, I’m hitting snooze!” …. I have not been able to turn myself into a morning person – but boy do I envy those who are. I will keep trying to be more anxious to start my days in the morning – but even when I get to sleep in forever, I have to drag myself out of bed because I would rather just lie there all day. It takes until nighttime for me to be ready to do all the things I want to do. I don’t get inspired to write, or learn until about 10pm (it’s 3am now…. point proven??). Then I start all over again how I don’t have enough time in a day to do all the things I want to do. I don’t want to go to bed, I just want to stay up and learn and spend time on things I’m interested in. Can I just say that I drive myself crazy!!! If only I could just start my day bright and early. From the time I get up, till 10pm I am just going through the motions most of the time. I’ll be awake, but my passion doesn’t come out for hours! What a waste of every day. I need to find a way to be a morning person – but I guess you can only be one or the other – you have to sleep sometime. If I’m a morning person, and find my passion early on in the day, then I’m guessing at night I will lose the passion, and go to bed nice and early – either way, still not enough time in the day! Then again – once I find my passion for the day I can’t get myself to stop (which is why I am up super late), so maybe I would just get up early AND stay up late spending my time wisely… and then AGAIN… that might only last a day, because how can I really want to get up in the morning if I don’t get enough sleep at night??? Ahh! Life. What can ya do??
Thursday, January 7, 2010
So Much To Do - So Little Time
I’m currently frustrated with the world. Why were we made to have such little time? Why are we made to need so much sleep to function properly? I don’t have time to sleep. I want to learn, in school, and out of school. I want to play sports, do community service, play instruments, take up photography, travel, work, and most importantly – I want to find myself. All I am doing right now, is going to school, doing homework, playing soccer, and then squeeze in time to relax, and try to find myself. I don’t have enough time to think. I don’t have enough time to find myself. Why couldn’t we have been made to be able to function, and be healthy with 2 hours of sleep, and 22 hours of everything else? I do not believe in a creator, but I resent nature. If we are supposed to let ourselves go, and just ‘be’. How can we do that with such little time?? I know, I know… letting yourself go, and just being, should not demand time. It should just happen. Lets face it, it doesn’t happen. How many of you have felt your sense of belonging in your soul? This quote in Anam Cara "...in the neglected crevices and corners of your evaded solitude, you will find the treasure that you have always sought elsewhere” (pg 136)... recently helped me decide (although I'm still not really sure) that the only people who can truly let go, and just “be”, who can truly find the beauty of their soul are those who have hit rock bottom, and come out of it. Those who have lost themselves completely can find themselves completely. Those who have had such an addiction in order to escape from their reality, or from themselves, may just be the lucky ones. That is – if they can overcome it. The only way to overcome it is to face their reality, and to face themselves. I have not experienced this myself, so I can’t explain those experiences fully, and of course each individual’s experience is different, but it’s all a process. It’s like a puzzle; all over the place, each piece is disconnected from the next, some are sideways, and some are even upside-down. But once it’s put together, it’s a beautiful masterpiece, smooth and collected. I only know of three possible people, who might be able to just ‘be’, notice “might be”. One of the three had a serious addiction, and was able to overcome it after 10 years of fighting it. Another one of the three did every drug imaginable, but was able to snap out of it quickly after a one night of thinking she was going to die, and the third person, as far as I know hasn’t had any drug experience, but maybe I don’t know everything.
I've realized that in the process of trying to find the most peace in my life - I have actually become the least peaceful I have ever been. My eyes have been opened to so much, and I want to change so much, that I don't even know where or how to begin. This has left me with way too much desire - and not enough taking charge. And while I have been preaching to go and live your life and take charge I just sit here waiting for the right time. There's no right time - I just have to go! I've been "trying" to take charge ... by researching all the things I want to do and how to do what I want to do, and get to where I want to be. Unfortunately it ends there. I haven't actually DONE anything. Obviously still being in school is an obstacle, so hopefully once I'm out I will really do all the things I'm dreaming of. I have been trying to live by the quote; "The only thing that stops you from being who you want to be, is who you think you're not". So I have been believe I can do anything - and trying to pursue my dreams AND my families (although only to the extent of researching online, and saying "Hey dad, lets move to california")... Dream big. Take charge.